The next summer school will be held online between 20 May and 12 June 2025. The tutors and programme will stay the same, but it will be organised by the International Institute for Information Design (IIID). For more information or to apply, please go to IIID Summer School.
When the summer school is face to face, we hold many critiquing sessions to share our work. When we're online we use Mural whiteboards instead (below).
We send you a set of theory flashcards to underpin our teaching and our design critiquing, together with basic tools for design sketching. We ask you to bring good and bad examples of information design, and we put key theories into action to explain why your examples work well, or fail.
We use short projects and exercises to put concepts into action. This team is working in the Vienna Designforum where we held the 2023 summer school.